Conference participation is free, but you will be asked to pay the entrance fee to the museum.
Friday, 1 December 2017:
10h – 10h10 Alexandra de Poorter (Acting Managing Director of the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels), Welcome
10h10 – 10h20 Her Royal Highness the Princess Esméralda of Belgium (Honorary Président of the Jean Capart Fund), Le Professeur et la Reine, une passion commune et une grande amitié (FR) (A shared passion and a warm friendship)
10h20 – 10h30 Dominique Capart (Président of the Jean Capart Fund), Presentation of the Jean Capart Fund (FR)
10h30 – 11h00 Eugène Warmenbol (ULB), Antoine Schayes, Gustave Hagemans et les autres: l’égyptologie en Belgique avant Jean Capart (FR) (Antoine Schayes, Gustave Hagemans and the others: Egyptology in Belgium before Jean Capart)
11h00 – 12h00 Jean-Michel Bruffaerts (FJC/MRAH): Jean Capart. Une vie pour l’égyptologie (FR) (Jean Capart. A life devoted to Egyptology)
12h00 – 12h30 Marleen DE MEYER (KUL) & Peter DER MANUELIAN (Harvard University): Jean Capart in Amerika, en het relaas van een tocht op de Nijl in 1930 (NL) (Jean Capart in America, and the story of a trip on the Nile in 1930)
12h30 – 14 h Lunch
14h – 14h20 Dorian Vanhulle (ULB), Errare humanum est! La stèle funéraire du roi Den reconsidérée (FR) (To err is human! The funerary stele of King Den re-considered)
14h20 – 14h40 Luc Delvaux (MRAH), Un fragment de statue colossale de Sesostris III aux MRAH (FR) (A fragment from the colossal statue of Sesostris III from the RMAH collection)
14h40 – 15h15 Maarten Praet (KUL), De reliëf fragmenten van Mentoehotep II uit het Jubelparkmuseum: reconstructie en interpretatie (NL) (Relief fragments of Mentoehotep II from the Cinquantenaire Museum collection: reconstruction and interpretation)
15h30 – 15h50 Claudia Venier (Ulg), Les objets des nécropoles de Gourob aux MRAH (FR) (Objects from the Gourob necropoles in the RMAH collection)
15h50 – 16h10 Isabelle Therasse (MRAH), Les reliefs des temples du Nouvel Empire de Deir el-Bahari aux MRAH (FR) (Reliefs from the temples of the New Empire of Deir el-Bahari, from the RMAH collection)
16h10 – 16h30 Dominique Capart (Président of the Jean Capart Fund), Closing address
Saturday 2 December 2017:
– 13h30 to 16h30: Guided visits (1h – groups of 15) of the Egyptian collection of the RMAH led by L. Delvaux, I. Therasse and E. Warmenbol.